GBI CyberPark USA

E-COOPERATIVE BUSINESS…FORM…FOLLOWS FUNCTION…Designing a virtual cooperative connective business incubator web community…is like designing an office building…

GLOBAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ARCHITECTS…never starts to design a virtual office building without the blueprint of a simulated model…exploring what it’s going to be used for…who is going to use it…and what image the member-owned model urban business community wants to project with its design…the form always follows the function…what ten smart teams call architectural planning…

Ten smart teams act as urban business community architectural planners, they do the preliminary evaluation and then develop from the researched blueprint…

URBAN FUTURIST TIMES…offers a three-dimensional delivery of vital… interactive communication technology information, ground-breaking cooperative business and financial strategies…opportunities to grow a member-owned model urban business community of start-up companies…that translates into a cooperative productive self-employee workplace…that is innovative and creative…

Introducing: CYBER PARK USA, where ten smart teams look forward to their collective better future…where they cooperate-to-compete…sharing a new collective cooperative energy…and mutual common interest in their member-owned model urban business community’s better future…

Ten smart teams are a growing strategic alliance…that work together for their creative member-owned model urban business community…envisioning their collective better future…they are forming a new cooperative collaboratory…a collaborative CYBER CENTURY NATIONAL CITY…where ten smart teams are creating a member-owned model new media small business industry…

An underlying cooperative incubation infrastructure system platform…that launches ten smart teams member-owned model urban business community of start-up companies…that function through their use of the support service system that’s operated by ten smart team leaders…

CYBER PARK USA, operates through-out a NEW CYBER NATION…a new knowledge-based cooperative economy and connective society…a wired and wireless virtual cooperative business incubation community…BUSINESS INCUBATOR INC.US … Where ten smart teams are the creative class…that is designing the new knowledge-based cooperative economy…produced at the creative urban business community…by their system of member-owned model start-up companies…

Ten smart teams define their creative member-owned model urban business community…as one that shifts their ten connective cooperative structures…that plug into the business incubator hub…that designs a new knowledge-based cooperative economy…by capturing the how-to in the information age…it’s production, storage…and transfer of common community wealth creation data…

Ten smart teams are connective urban business community leaders…they promote business incubator development connectivity…being wired and wireless…a platform… to transfer common community wealth creation information…through a cooperative incubation infrastructure system…21st century model…

A TEN SMART TEAM COLLABORATION…that is a cooperative business development engagement…providing an inclusive…but…closed support service system…to meet community demands and requirement…by their use of creativity…in all forms…managing the e-parallel world…of the internet and digitization…

The advance of the creative information age…showcasing the next big growth—generating breakthroughs…CYBER PARK USA, is well positioned with ten smart teams of talent…and the necessary interactive communication technology…and the cooperation it takes…for the cooperative member-owned model urban business community to create common community wealth…

Ten smart teams share an overarching, comprehensive…compelling shared vision of the new global knowledge-based urban inner city AMERICAN COOPERATIVE ECONOMY…The shared spirit of ten smart team collaboration…essential to nurturing a common vision…developing a common set of community wealth creation goals…

Ten smart teams strategic conversations lead to their urban business community’s collective action…producing their collective better future…its about living and cooperatively working together for mutual interest and common gain…

IN CYBER PARK USA, ten smart teams take pride of authorship…and member-ownership…

URBAN FUTURIST TIMES…offers information that guides the urban business community in the use of interactive communication technology that is clearly defined…the modeling and simulation of solutions of age-old community problems…the purpose is to be the single resource of common community wealth creation process information…the underlying foundation for community solutions…

Addressing the challenges facing the urban business community…uniquely.

About the author: sysadmin