Our Focus

The Urban Futurist Organization  has a mission and task, in creating models of our collective better future through a new media small business industry.  Through this industry, research, books and reports from leading futurist, economists and educators will be turned into Action Information Communication products (all forms of digital and analog broadcast mediums of distribution which include videos, CD-ROM’s, DVD’s movies etc).

We understand that the future does not exist – never has and never will.  By definition, the future is a time period that has not happened, and when it does happen, it becomes the present, and when it’s over it becomes the past.  However, we realize that modeling what we would like to happen in the future will then become our present and eventually our past (history).

The Urban Futurist Organization offers new ideas on new skills to create wealth, to think about a cooperative economy and to think wisely about our collective better future.

We first create pictures of the future in our mind’s eye, then we create models to demonstrate our thoughts to our visual eyes.  Next, our brain-trust views the model and makes necessary adjustments until the model represents our collective thoughts.  Then we make it happen!

About the author: sysadmin